NEIL YOUNG LYRICS - Barefoot Floors

"Barefoot Floors"

Sleep, baby sleep,

I know your day has been oh so long

Sleep, baby sleep,

I know your day has been oh so long

The night falls at your feet

Now the day feels so complete

Compared to darkness

Sleep, baby sleep.

Talk, baby talk

Sweet talk is all it's made of

Talk, baby talk

Sweet talk is all it's made of

Promises of the morning ways,

New beginnings for another

Day to spend together

Talk, baby talk.

Love, baby love

Has got me walkin' on these

Barefoot floors

Love, baby love

Has got me walkin' on these

Barefoot floors

Find the light

Surrounding you

Sleep the night 'til morning's dew

I will be here for you

Love, baby love.