MORRISSEY LYRICS - The Harsh Truth Of The Camera Eye

"The Harsh Truth Of The Camera Eye"

Churchillian legs

hair barely there

the harsh truth of the camera eye

Your eyes signal pain

because of the strain

of smiling

the harsh truth of the camera eye

telling you all

that you never wnated to know

showing what

you didn't want shown

My so friendly lens

zooms into

"the inner you"

and it tells the harsh truth

and nothing but

Laugh with us all here

that's if you can

then take the pictures home

and scream

telling you all

that you never wanted to know

showing you what

you didn't want shown

This photographer

he must have really had it in for you

"Oh, I don't want

to be judged anymore

I don't wnat to be judged

I would sooner be Loved

I would sooner be

just blindly Loved..."