
world. tuesday. tuesday. world. tuesday. tuesday. world.

watched you cry. watched you fly. watched you die...

i'm the spoonman. talks to god. transfusion. penetration.

i'm the spoonman. talks to god. transfusion. penetration.

i'm the spoonman. talks to god. transfusion. penetration.

i'm the spoonman.

i'm the spoonman. shes a wound. nice bikini. steppin razor.

i'm the spoonman. shes a wound. nice bikini. steppin razor.

i'm the spoonman.

don't put your hand where you wouldn't put your face

she said a dollar rubber rat utah plates brilliant green substance

unknown with a face like a peeled onion sheep in drag horseback automatic

to make your home clean make it sani-flush

she said now im a new skin-free crispy with this urge

to phone into the nosmoking zone of stainless steel tokyo

me and big white dog got to hijack pecan tarts for babylon bambi

out of mercer street where the crackheads catwalk charity

where teenage sex rides a stoned rhythm trading its chiliskins

to the screamers come to hunt their meat to the gold diggers in kissboots

and the recycled blondes in their stack heeled snatches the monster trucks

the rolling rocks the poodle boys with their little bone diggers

and dark stuff comes oozing out the apple core tonight like a beggars dog

tasting the wind.

into the blood...