"Loose Translation"

One holy ghost for a home made girl

In a green T-shirt that read, i quote:

"what price damnation now?"

In the school of thought,

In the halls of state,

With a leap of faith,

The loose translation must have lost her

It must have caused her to go back...

To the civilization

Caught between here

And the real one

Just to say what you'd begun to say once

We have been enrolled in the wrong schools

All through the pride of fall

The falling price of education

There have been no clues in the last few takes

In the steps retraced

The education must have cost her

It must have caused her to go back

To the civilization caught between here

And the real one

Just to say what you'd begun to say once

The education must have cost her

The loose translation must have lost her

It must have lost her
