

Hallow, You are hallow like a well with no water and everyone's thirsty

Above All Now adays everyone's confused and distraught and everything's so Promising

Let Down Just stand on ur feet if you fall and have courage to walk again


Tomorrow We Will Talk about yesterday

Right now i got nuthin' to say honestly

Feel Betrayed like my love was ripped outta me

The Cycle is all to fimiliar to me

The cycle is all to fimiliar to me


Long day

Feeling like i'm the only one running from someone

I Can't seem to get away

Trapped now

Hidding away from the world with eye's closed and pretending i'm dead today


Shadows scarpe across the floor as i wait for the sun to return to me


Tomorrow We Will Talk about yesterday

Right now i got nuthin' to say honestly

Feel Betrayed like my love was ripped outta me

The Cycle is all to fimiliar to me

The cycle is all to fimiliar to me

[Mono & Madrox]

My eye's don't see... nuthing but greed ur life Your hate!

Broken trown away my eye's still glow these feeling's come and go ur life jealousy these things

should cease to be My apologese when u think of me will u over look all that

i've come to be we can find a way we can make it trough can we shake this pain that has this hold on U!?

Hold on you

Hold on you


Tomorrow We Will Talk about yesterday

Right now i got nuthin' to say honestly

Feel Betrayed like my love was ripped outta me

The Cycle is all to fimiliar to me

The cycle is all to fimiliar to me

The cycle is all to fimiliar to me

The cycle is all to fimiliar to me