"Feel So Bad"


Well if you feel so bad

Why don't you just give it up

If it's hard on you now

Then it won't let up

Hand me down my cigarettes I'm drunk

But I ain't drinking no more

Help me fight my way down through the hall

Redirect my sympathies I tripped

I fell and lost them somewhere in between my

outstretched arm and the wall

And it make me feel weak to say the least

Beneath these dusty streets we show more

Make me feel like less and less of a man


Baby you just had enough or

Maybe you've been trying too hard

Baby no one ever let you down

In the end there's you and me don't trip

And don't get lost I'm right here

Waiting til you come back down to the earth


You don't need to please me

You don't need to be uneasy

I've been too long gone for you to save me now
