THE EVENS LYRICS - Minding Ones Business

"Minding Ones Business"

One everybody clear your mind and take a breath

Two everybody wipe your eyes and take a sip

Three everybody look away but trust yourself

Four everybody know the way you know yourself

Five everybody lose the map of dicipline

Six everybody rediscover understand

Seven everybody see yourself as you come in

Eight everybody turn around and start again

On the floor is a lie

follow it or intwine

You can't run so walk it

You can't walk so crawl it

you can't crawl your falling

you can't fall your falling

Sometime you'll find that your going forward backwards

On the wall is a sign

say the words or define

if you could read it

you could concive it

and stop repeating defeated being

is high along ride

On the mind is a mind

think of it or combine

it does affect you

it does connect you

watch it reflect you

you want to protect it

sometime you'll find that it's foudn before you seek

do you ever wonder where it is your wondering?