"One Last Dance"

As we lay here tonight

Please forgive me girl if I say the future's not bright

But please take my hand we'll have one last dance

In the place where we first met eyes

Holy city zoo

I recall the name of the place where I first saw you

With your eyes so kind and your smile so bright

I just wanted to take you home

Where you go I wanna go

What you do I wanna do

I'll be your Troy Donnahue

If you'll be my Sandra Dee

It's a trivial pursuit

But I know if I fall on my heart I'll be with you

But please understand I'm just a man and I need you to take me home

We're togheter now

Wanna change my shoes so I feel like you somehow

Need to breathe your breathe and caress your dress

I'll be with you for quite some time

I'll take you where you wanna go

Tell me where I wanna know

I will just go with the flow

As long as I'm there with you

Are the kids ok

Didn't find the time to give you a call today

But my heart's with yours

I'm keepin' score of the things that I have done wrong

Another funeral

All the people I know are beginning to fade away

And I have to say that at least today it's beginning to get me down

To this day I'm lovin' you

We know what we wanna do

I am your Troy Donnahue

and you are my Sandra Dee

Now I know you well

I still love you adore you I need you more than then

With your eyes still kind and your smile still bright

I still want to take you home

I will do all that I can

You're my woman I'm your man

If we still don't have a plan

We'll listen to thunderoad