"Pussy Walk"

The other day I was walking down 14th Street

It was a beautiful summer day

The sun was shining

And I found myself surrounded by latin american and dark women

And as I looked at their ankles,

Their knees and their thights,

And the curve of their bodies,

Their mysterious eyes

I couldn't help but thinkinng about their pussies

And I asked myself

Can your pussy talk

Can your pussy talk

Can your pussy smile

Can your pussy frown

Can your pussy prance

Can your pussy dance

Can your pussy walk

Can your pussy talk

Pussy, pussy walk

Now you know from time to time

My musical group and I have occasion to visit

The high schools, jr. high schools and

Other centers ol learning in this wonderful land of

The united States of America

And when I do, frorn time to time

I run into the young girls that attend these places

And I see them smiling at me with their young girl clothes

And while i smile back, I never say anything

But inside I'm thinkin

Can your pussy walk

Can your pussy talk

Can your pussy smile

Can your pussy frown

Can your pussy love

Can your pussy shove

Can your pussy dance

Can your pussy prance

Pussy, pussy walk

And then of course

Now all you men can relate to this

How sometimes you're suposed to go out of the house

And get something done

Like you're suposed to go to the store

And just go get a bottle of milk

Or just go to your job

And do it good and cone back home

But on the way, my God

There's a girl, and there's another girl, and there's another girl

And pretty soon you're surrounded

And your eyes are going one way

And your head is going another way

Ano your nose is going up

And your nose is going down

And you're thinking about that pussy

And it's become a real distraction

And you've gotta ask yourself

Can your pussy walk

Can your pussy talk

Can your pussy smile

Can your pussy frown

Can your pussy dance

Can your pussy prance

Can your pussy love

Can your pussy shove

All right

Pussy...Pussy walk

Now walk it now

Pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy walk

Pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy walk

Pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy walk